Inger Magrethe Enevoldsdatter



1. Niels Christian Christensen

Inger Magrethe Enevoldsdatter

  • Født: 9 Apr. 1823, Gunderup, Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark
  • Dåb: 9 Apr. 1823, Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark
  • Ægteskab (1): Niels Christian Christensen den 1 Dec. 1848 i Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark
  • Død: 16 Maj 1874, Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark at age 51
  • Begravet: 25 Maj 1874, Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark

  Generelle notater:

Hun blev født den 9 april 1823, hjemmedøbt den 9 april 1823, fremstillet i kirken den 25 maj 1823, datter af tjenestekarl Enevold Andersen og hustru Ane Marie Nielsdatter fra Mølhusen ved Gunderup.
(Kilde: Vrejlev kirkebog 1814-1830, opslag 75, Hjørring amt).

Hun døde den 16 maj 1874, begravet den 25 maj 1874, 51 år gammel. Husmand Niels Christian Christensens hustru af Høgsted Mark.
(Kilde: Vrejlev kirkebog 1866-1875, opslag 286, Hjørring amt).

This temple trip in 1903 is a poignant window into the larger story.
In 1903, Niels, Jens, and Mariane make a temple trip to Salt Lake from Pleasant Grove.
Niels was widowed in April of 1900 with the death of his second wife, Mette. In June he takes the Mette's son Anders and his family into his home as they are recent immigrants. Anders missed seeing his mother alive by two months.
Here in these notes is the continuation of a love story between Niels and Inger. They lived on Høgsted Mark (Hawk Farm), in Denmark and raised their family there. They had 6, possibly 7 children. They were god parents to at least 3 children of unmarried women who worked for Niels on the farm. The names of the fathers are given but Niels is listed as their employer - significant and not that common in Danish records.
In 1862 they are godparents to Anne Marie Pedersen who is the 7th child of Peder and Mette giving us an insight into the friendship that existed between the two families. Peder died later in 1862. Inger died in 1874. Niels and Mette were married in 1876, joined the LDS church in 1888 and emigrated from Denmark to the US in 1891, bringing with them two of Mette's young grandchildren.
Jens is Mette's 3rd child and would have grown up knowing the Niels and Ingers family. Jens was baptized in March of 1900, just shortly before his mothers death in April of 1900. He and Mariane were married in March of 1903 in the Provo Courthouse. They are sealed on this trip "for time only". Mariane was married and sealed previously to Mogen Peder (Peter) Sorensen in 1867.
Mariane also does temple work for her Father who died in June of 1903 on this trip. She had immigrated in 1862 with her mother and grandmother, leaving behind her father who remarried on grounds of abandonment and had another family in Denmark. Mariane was born in Tårs which is very close to Mette's Ronneberghede and Niel's Høgsted. They had a great deal to draw them close together.
To me, the sealings which were not completed at this time, showed their understanding of the principle. The fact that they were there together, that Mariane stands as proxie for Inger in her temple work and sealing to Niels and also for Mette in her sealing to Peder on this same day, shows their love and care for each other and for those who passed before them. I have no pictures or histories of these people but I believe the records of these few days in the temple tells volumes about who they were.
Jan Budge
* It is not possible to take images of temple documents, so notes have to suffice.

  Begivenheder i hendes liv:

• Konfirmation: Confirmation, 1837, Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark.

• Bopæl, 1840, Vrejlev, Børglum, Hjørring, Danmark.

• Folketælling, 1850, Hogsted, Vrejlev, Borglum, Hjorring.

• Bopæl, 1850, Vrejlev, Børglum, Hjørring, Danmark.

• Folketælling, 1860, Hogsted, Vrejlev, Hjorring, Denmark.

• Bopæl: Census, 1860, Vrejlev, Børglum, Hjørring, Danmark.

Inger blev gift med Niels Christian Christensen, søn af Mads Svendsen og Johanne Andersdatter, den 1 Dec. 1848 i Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark. (Niels Christian Christensen blev født den 1 Aug. 1823 i Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark, dåb den 3 Aug. 1823 i Vrejlev, Hjørring, Danmark og døde efter 1903.)


Ungkarl Niels Christian Christensen fra Høgsted, født samme steds den 1 august 1823 og pigen Inger Margrethe Enevoldsdatter fra Tollerup, født i Gunderup den 9 april 1823.
Forlovere: husmand Enevold Andersen af Tollerup og husmand Jens Andersen fra Lille Beth.
Viet den 1 december 1848.
(Kilde: Vrejlev kirkebog 1836-1849, opslag 134, Hjørring amt).

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