Peter Ottonius Mathias Gesmel Thestrup
Anne Marie Henriette Redsted
Lauritz Lauritzen
Christiane Augusta Cathrine Thestrup
Holger Kjeldgård Lauritzen



1. Thyra Betzy Augusta Murman

Holger Kjeldgård Lauritzen

  • Født: 1 Nov. 1876, Ottarps, Malmøhus, Sverige.
  • Ægteskab (1): Thyra Betzy Augusta Murman den 4 Nov. 1905 i Sverige
  • Død: 10 Feb. 1951 at age 74

   Et andet navn for Holger var Bankdirektør Lauritzen.

  Generelle notater:

Holger Kjeldgaard Lauritzen was born in Ottarps
Assembly af Malmöhus County November 1 1876. After
maturity exam in 1893 searched Lauritzen immediately
employment in the Bank of Sweden, but changed already in 1898
from there to Malmö Bank, there he 1909
be the Executive Director. In 1912 he moved
to the Scandinavian Credit Company
Malmö Office, where he be manager. and the following year
Executive Dir. and member. of the company's board.

Lauritzen has taken a particularly interested part at
Malmö City municipal life. Since 1910
City-proxy, he is alternate in ^ drätselkammaren,
Chairman of the Public asked the Board, Vice Chairman of
marketing-hall Board, member af the City of
added rail committee m. m.

Each year since the 1960s parts Holger and Thyra Lauritzen Foundation grants to cinema history and theory at the universities of Lund and Stockholm, as well as other projects in film science .- Swedish film research would have been much poorer if not Lauritzen foundation had existed, "says Leif Furhammar, film professor and author of the great work "The film in Sweden and many other books on film. The Foundation was formed in the 1950s. But the story began much earlier. On the Stockholm exhibition in 1897 and both were shown the first Swedish film recordings. Among the spectators was a boy who never forgot the experience .- Holger Lauritzen was having on the breakthrough for film in Sweden. Although he eventually became a banker in the then Skandinaviska Banken film belonged to his great interest, "says Leif Furhammar. Before his death formed Holger Lauritzen Foundation, together with his wife Thyra. Their son Einar Lauritzen became if possible even more piece. As a financially independent, he could devote his entire life to the film. He became 1940 manager for what later came to be known as Film History collections, one of the oldest film archives in the world

Holger var bankdirektør ved Malmø Sparebank i Sverige.

Holger blev gift med Thyra Betzy Augusta Murman den 4 Nov. 1905 i Sverige. (Thyra Betzy Augusta Murman blev født den 8 Okt. 1879 i af Malmø, Sverige..)

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